Managing Anxiety: Is CBD a Natural Remedy?

Everyone experiences some level of anxiety and when managing anxiety is CBD really a natural remedy? Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults (18.1% of the population) every year.

Before we discuss CBD and anxiety let’s talk about the causes of anxiety. When determining the cause of anxiety, there is no singular factor to point to as anxiety can be brought on by a multitude of life situations. Things like underlying health conditions, traumatic life events, and inherited traits can all play a role — from how frequently anxiety is experienced to how much it impacts their day-to-day routine. For example, some people with a severe anxiety disorder might slip into a state of extreme worry, fear, or panic, which can inhibit their ability to perform day-to-day tasks.

While there are plenty of medications available that have been beneficial for those suffering from anxiety, most come with a level of risk or danger that should be considered when making the decision about whether or not to take them. With the potential for unpleasant side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, and dependence, it is important to consider other options before committing yourself to treatment with medication.

To offer some ideas, we’ve put together a list of our favorite natural remedies to keep you feeling calm and collected during moments of stress and anxiety.

Treating anxiety with Staying Active

Research has shown that staying active can improve mental health while also providing numerous physical and emotional benefits. Additionally, those who are living with anxiety may find relief through activities such as outdoor running because they release endorphins and can naturally provide feelings of euphoria without the use of prescription medication.

Talking to a professional about your anxiety

Talking to a therapist can be an effective way of reducing your anxiety levels because it allows you to get all of the pent-up emotions out in the open and for someone else to offer advice on how you should handle them. Therapists also offer an outside, unbiased perspective, when compared to sharing with friends and family who know you best. It’s also a great space for sharing your thoughts and emotions with someone who won’t pass any judgments and can guide you in the best way for you.

Avoiding drugs and alcohol if you have anxiety

Substance abuse is often a method individuals turn to as an escape from reality. Unfortunately, it often makes the disorder worse because the use of drugs and alcohol can lead to symptoms such as severe stress or even paranoia that make an individual more prone to experiencing an anxious episode. This is because these substances disrupt natural brain chemistry and interfere with normal communication between neurons and neurotransmitters. When this happens and an individual uses drugs or alcohol in excess, it can cause panic attacks and bouts of anxiety.

Not enough sleep can effect your anxiety

Sleep is one habit that directly affects our mood. But with fast-paced and time-crunched lifestyles, we often leave little room for sleep. When this happens and we deprive ourselves of sleep, it slows down our brain waves making us more prone to negative thoughts like anger or sadness. Beyond negatively affecting our mood, lack of sleep can hinder our ability to make decisions, limit our capacity to focus and increase levels of anxiety.

Meditation for anxiety

Have you ever felt like your mind was racing, unable to shut off? This can be anxiety, especially when associated with worry and fear about the future and things that haven’t happened yet. While it is normal to feel anxious at particular times in life (like before an exam), if it continues or interferes with everyday life, then it may be clinical anxiety disorder (CAD). CAD can make your body tense up and cause pain and discomfort all over. To combat such feelings, meditation has long been used as a way to find peace of mind, reduce pain and improve tranquility. It allows people to feel calm and relaxed during situations that seem hectic and stressful, and is sustainable over the long term because of its positive effects on health, mood, sleep quality, and cognitive function.

Eating well to help anxiety

Anxiety happens when our body reacts to stressors around us. News reports, social media posts, or even traffic jams may cause an anxious response in some people. However, there are ways you can control the chemical reactions that come about from these stressful events so that they don’t get the best of you all day long! One of the best ways to do this is to make a few simple changes in diet and personal habits. Because diet directly affects our overall health and energy levels, adding in more fruits and vegetables, while simultaneously removing processed foods or those that make you feel sluggish, can boost your overall mood and leave you feeling more relaxed and anxiety-free.

CBD and anxiety: is it a natural remedy? 

Why CBD Bath Soaks woman in bath anxiety

CBD (cannabidiol) is a natural supplement extracted from the cannabis plant that interacts with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). When this happens, the cannabinoids in CBD bind with the C1 and C2 receptors in the ECS, which already produce cannabinoids of their own. Because the ECS is associated with regulating a variety of functions in our body like reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system, CBD is thought to amplify such effects. CBD is also a popular alternative to other prescriptive drugs because it has no traces of THC — meaning the feeling of being “high” and the dependency that most mood-lifting substances can cause are not there.

Does CBD reduce anxiety?

In one study, it was shown that the use of cannabidiol (CBD) reduced anxiety in social phobia patients when asked to participate in public speaking. The study notes, “pretreatment with CBD significantly reduced anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort in their speech performance, and significantly decreased alert in their anticipatory speech. The placebo group presented higher anxiety, cognitive impairment, discomfort, and alert levels when compared with the control group as assessed with the VAMS (Visual Analogue Mood Scale).”

The best thing about CBD is that there are a variety of products available to suit your preferences, including tinctures, gummies, and bath soaks.

While anxiety is a highly treatable condition, staggering statistics report that only 36.9% of the affected U.S. population receive treatment. If you’re struggling with anxiety and searching for an alternative to prescription medication, consider trying these natural remedies to alleviate feelings of anxiety and discover a sense of calm.

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