How Men and Women Respond to CBD: Is There a Difference?

We know that men and women are different from each other, but what about when it comes to CBD? In particular, do men and women respond to CBD differently? Researchers are still working to answer this question, but there are some basic biological factors that indicate CBD could affect women differently than men.

In this article, we will explore how our bodies differ biologically to understand whether or not that has an effect on how CBD affects us.

So, how exactly does CBD work?

Before delving into all things men and women and CBD, let’s take a look at what CBD is and how it interacts with the body. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is the non-psychoactive component of cannabis that contains over 113 different cannabinoids and more than 200 terpenes.

Terpenes are essential, aromatic oils found in plants. They occur naturally in hemp and are what gives CBD-derived from hemp its own distinctive aroma and flavor. There are a variety of scents produced by terpenes with some described as “earthy” or “woodsy” and others as “fruity” or “citrusy.”

The cannabinoids in CBD impact how cells communicate with each other by interacting with receptors found in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS balances many processes and systems in the human body, such as the immune system, cell communication, metabolism, and memory.

The ECS receptors, known as the C1 and C2 receptors, already emit and respond well to cannabinoids. Thus, when CBD is introduced, the extra cannabinoids in CBD are well-received by our bodies because we already naturally produce them. Additionally, it is thought that the extra cannabinoid intake can amplify the effects of the ECS.

Although the powerful effects of CBD are still being researched, it has already shown its powerful ability to reduce inflammation, which can often trigger a variety of issues including anxiety, stress, arthritis, and acne.

Do biological factors impact how men and women to respond to CBD?

Whether it’s emotionally, sexually, anatomically, or behaviorally, there are numerous ways in which men and women differ. Two of the biggest factors that determine these differences are hormones and genetics.

The cannabinoids found in CBD have been shown to affect men and women differently when it comes to sex drive, energy balance, anxiety, and depression. One study found that these differences could be linked to things like fat tissue and muscle mass. Because cannabinoids are lipophilic, meaning they are more likely to combine with or dissolve into fat, and women have a higher percentage of body fat than men, women may need a higher intake of CBD in order to feel effects.

How does CBD affect hormones?

Hormones are chemical messengers produced by the endocrine system that help regulate and control many functions in your body, including metabolism, puberty, body temperature, sexual function, and stress. They can also affect moods, emotions, and other mental processes. As adults age, hormone levels decline naturally in both men and women.

Everyday production of hormones can be disrupted by many factors including diet, weight gain, medical conditions, and external sources of stress. These disruptions can lead to hormone imbalances, which may cause health problems such as weight gain, sweating, change in blood pressure, and difficulty sleeping.

So, where does CBD come into play? We’ve already noted how the ECS can regulate things like sleep, mood, and inflammation. These are also affected by natural hormones, so the introduction of CBD to aid in these processes may indirectly affect such hormones.

CBD can also help relax the body in times of stress, and stress is linked to the cortisol hormone. Additionally, CBD may help balance out estrogen as it relates to mood swings and PMS symptoms like cramps or bloating.

Although men and women respond to CBD differently, it can truly help

Here are a few ways CBD’s interaction with the ECS can support both men and women:

1.) Muscle Pain & Inflammation

In the United States alone, chronic pain affects more than 50 million adults. Seeking natural alternatives to traditional over-the-counter and opioid medications, CBD has gained popularity among those struggling with everyday aches and pains. CBD is used as an ingredient in many different types of products such as oils, tinctures, gummies, lotions and sprays. Due to its interaction with the ECS receptors that reduce swelling and inflammation, CBD can help athletes, individuals with jobs that require long hours of heavy manual labor, and those with chronic pain, arthritis, post-workout recovery better manage their pain.

2.) Mood

A happy body, makes for a happy mind. Because of CBD’s ability to aid in joint and muscle pain relief, daily task may become more enjoyable, stress levels may decrease, and sounder sleep may be achieved. CBD is also a great way to unwind and relax after a long day. All of these play into overall health and wellness, thus leading to a better mood.

3.) Sleep

The hormone melatonin is key for managing sleep cycles and energy levels. Because the ECS is associated with how quickly you fall asleep and how sound the sleep is, introducing CBD is thought to help with catching better Zzzs.

4.) Skin health

The skin is our largest organ, making up about 16% of the body’s surface area and can be affected by many factors such as stress, sun exposure, diet, and toxins in the environment. CBD has been studied for its effects on the skin. Whether it’s a CBD topical used to moisturize skin or an ingestible tincture that can aid in anti-inflammation and reduce the production of sebum — the waxy, oily substance that can cause skin to become clogged, triggering acne — CBD can promote healthier skin cells.


Overall, based on physical and internal factors can cause men and women respond to CBD in different ways. Regardless of these differences, both men and women can use CBD to improve their day-to-day lifestyle and overall well-being in similar ways.

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