Everything There is To Know About CBD

When it comes to herbal wellness, there are many products that tout health benefits for a myriad of physical and psychological issues. Various types of teas, superfoods, and other organic remedies have been marketed for years for their positive effects. One such herbal wellness product that has been rapidly growing in popularity is CBD. Let’s dive into CBD, including what it is, how it impacts the body, how you can take it, and why Hempzilla offers the best CBD on the market.

What Is CBD And Why Is It Touted For Its Herbal Wellness Properties?


CBD stands for cannabidiol and is sourced from the hemp plant, a cousin of the marijuana plant. Although CBD is a component of marijuana, it has been clinically proven not to cause the “high” feeling experienced from consuming THC. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), CBD is non-habit forming and does not cause health-related issues. Instead, CBD packs numerous herbal wellness qualities due to its terpenes.

Terpenes are essential oils found in all plants – especially the cannabis plant, which contains over 200. Clinical studies suggest that these magical terpenes could offer a myriad of health benefits that can aid in pain relief, ease anxiety relief, and support a better night’s sleep. The most beneficial terpenes for herbal wellness are Myrcene, Caryophyllene, and Limonene. Myrcene is one of the main terpenes involved in relaxation and anti-inflammation. As health issues continue to rise in the U.S, components like Myrcene will grow in popularity.

Herbal wellness compounds are typically used to combat inflammation and Caryophyllene is among the most effective, according to clinical studies. This terpene can seamlessly bind with CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system.

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“The most beneficial terpenes for herbal wellness are Myrcene, Caryophyllene, and Limonene. Myrcene is one of the main terpenes involved in relaxation and anti-inflammation.”

Herbal Wellness Properties of CBD on Sleep


Sleepless nights are on the rise in the U.S., according to studies. One study conducted by Laval University in Quebec, Canada estimates that Covid-19 has led to a 37 percent increase in insomnia – a disorder that prevents an individual from getting a good night’s sleep.

So, how does CBD aid in catching those all-important Zzz’s ? The key to CBD’s effectiveness on sleep lies in its ability to bind with the CB1 and CB2 receptors – either mimicking the role of the cannabinoids the body naturally produces or acting as an antagonist, which is thought to counter the effects of THC. CB1 receptors are mainly found in the brain and nervous system, while CB2 receptors reside throughout the body and immune cells. Dr. Jaclyn Tolentino explains that the binding to the CB2 receptors produces a pain-relieving effect throughout the body. This is important because pain can negatively impact sleep. Another study published by Dr. Scott Shannon from the University of Colorado found that 66 percent of test subjects improved their sleep scores over the course of the study.

Do the Herbal Wellness Properties in CBD Effect Men and Women Differently?


Men and women are biologically different in a number of ways, including reproductive health, anatomy, behavior, and hormones. CBD has been shown to affect each gender differently in multiple ways. First and foremost, CBD is lipophilic meaning it is absorbed through fatty tissue. Because women tend to store more fat than men, they typically need a higher dose of CBD than men.

Furthermore, CBD affects the body hormonally, meaning men and women tend to react differently to it on a hormonal level. Hormonal imbalances can lead to slew of health problems including mood change, weight gain, and inflammation. CBD can help balance out hormones including the regulation of estrogen which is found in higher levels in women. You can learn more about how CBD impacts men vs. women below.

The Herbal Wellness of CBD Regarding Pain Relief

faith roll on

Pain is acommon part of the human experience, but the way people are treating their pain has shifted. As the drug-overdose crisis rages on in the U.S. and worldwide, many are now shifting their eyes toward non-prescription pain relief to combat pain without side effects like addiction, withdrawal, mood swings, etc. Several influential sport leagues, including the nation’s most profitable and popular league, the NFL, have begun to view CBD as a viable alternative to opioid painkillers.

According to statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, athletes suffer more than 2,000 injuries per 10,000 workers. When the body undergoes excessive stress, the endocannabinoid system produces inflammation, which may be a leading reason for why athletes have a higher rate of injury than other equally hazardous occupations.

As discussed above, CBD binds with CB1 and CB2 receptors, triggers a chain of anti-inflammatory processes.. As a source of herbal wellness, CBD provides many other clinically proven pain relief effects. According to studies, CBD plays a crucial role in soothing sore muscles and joints. Furthermore, CBD will not result in the “high” feeling that many are wary of experiencing because it is devoid of the compound THC – the same compound that binds to dopamine receptors resulting in euphoric feelings.


How Do Men and Women React To CBD? Read The Article To Find Out!


Herbal Wellness of CBD and Women’s Health


One of the leading women’s health issues is menstrual health. An estimated 80 percent of women in the U.S. suffer from health issues related to their menstrual cycle. Premenstrual syndrome often brings about mood swings, pain, cramping, and nausea. Fortunately, CBD has been suggested to combat these unpleasant bodily changes.

Hempzilla’s CBD Flow Tincture contains several key properties that are effective in treating PMS.

The CBD Flow Tincture is infused with CBD oil, evening primrose oil, lavender, ginger, and lemon balm – all of which are beneficial for lessening symptoms involved with PMS. CBD can also provoke feelings of relaxation, which can aid in the management of PMS symptoms. Additionally, CBD is an excellent herbal wellness tool used to combat inflammation as previously stated. As such, the CBD oil found in the CBD Flow Tincture made by Hempzilla can serve as a muscle relaxant, limiting the severity and frequency of cramps.

Evening primrose oil or EPO is another compound that has showed to be beneficial toward women’s health. EPO is proven to manage breast tenderness, mood swings, bloating, and more. A 2010 study found that EPO may block prostaglandins, a receptor that causes breast tenderness. Furthermore, EPO may block gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) from triggering PMS symptoms. Lavender is widely used in sleep aids for its ability to calm the body and combat insomnia.

Lavender is also effective in fighting PMS symptoms. A 2014 study found that inhaling lavender oil daily can fight PMS cramps.

Another herbal wellness found in Hempzilla’s Flow Tincture is ginger. Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory product that also aids in sleep.

The Herbal Wellness of CBD and Anxiety


Clearly, there are several herbal wellness benefits that CBD offers to the masses. As we’ve discussed, CBD is a clinically proven to aid in the treatment for anxiety. According to studies, anxiety is the most common mental illness in America with over 40 million sufferers. While there are multiple medications on the market that are also used to combat anxiety like Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium, many come with the risk of addiction and withdrawal as well. These drugs can also cause nausea, headaches, vomiting, and other unpleasant side effects.

As stated above, CBD binds with receptors in the Endocannabinoid system. This herbal wellness binding property can aid in a stronger immunce system, anti-inflammation andpain management, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. One study showed that patients who suffered from acute anxiety improved significantly when given CBD over a certain period of time. These subjects experienced alleviation for cognitive impairmentand discomfort in speech. When compared to the placebo group, the test group scored lower when assessed with VAMS (Visual Analogue Mood Scale).

CBD Benefits For Your Dog

dog drops lick

CBD products for pets are growing in popularity to calm problematic behaviors in dogs and improve their quality of life. Dogs can suffer from the same ailments as their owners, such as pain, anxiety, allergies, insomnia, and loss of appetite. CBD can be a major source of herbal wellness for dogs due to the beneficial elements it possesses. Over time dogs, can begin to suffer from join inflammation known as DJD (Degenerative Joint Disease). A 2018 study reports that 2mg/kg of CBD twice per day can slow the symptoms of DJD and improve your dog’s mobility.

By incorporating CBD into your dog’s daily regimen, it may aid in improving your dog’s anxiety, thus leading to a much happier life for you and your pup.

One of the most common causes for concern amongst dog owners is allergies. Dogs of all ages can be affected by seasonal allergies just as much as their human owners. CBD may be able to boost the immune system of your furry friend, resulting in a more manageable allergy season.

Humans are not the only ones that suffer from insomnia. Although insomnia is rare in dogs, they can still be affected by this pernicious ailment. While reasons for your dog’s insomnia may vary, CBD Dog Drops made by Hempzilla can provide a calming effect that keeps your dog asleep throughout the night. Furthermore, you may find it hard to sleep through the night if your dog tosses, turns, and walks around, so keeping your dog asleep may be exactly what you need to help your own sleep cycle.

Herbal Wellness Recipes Infused With CBD


When it comes to herbal wellness, you’re allowed to enjoy the ingredients you are taking as well! Fortunately, there are numerous CBD-infused recipes that are quick and easy to make, and taste great as well. Hempzilla lists four great recipes for you to try in the comfort of your own home. These recipes are perfect for any time of the year and can be consumed at any time during the day. If you aren’t in the mood to make your own CBD meals, you can also try Hempzilla’s tasty CBD-infused gummies to brighten your day and receive all the benefits CBD offers.

Think About Adding CBD To Your Herbal Wellness Regimen!


CBD has been clinically proven to supply multiple benefits both mentally and physically. CBD is able to bind to both CB1 and CB2 receptors in the body to help fight inflammation, provide relaxation, and boost the immune system. Furthermore, CBD can be used to support pet wellness and alleviate their symptoms of anxiety, which could be caused by loud noises, separation, or pain. =. To find the perfect CBD product for your herbal wellness needs, shop Hempzilla’s product line today. 


“Where Can I Buy CBD Oil?” Find out Here!


Did you know?: Men And women don’t react to cbd equally

Men and women are biologically different in a number of ways, including reproductive health, anatomy, behavior, and hormones. CBD has been shown to affect each gender differently in multiple ways. First and foremost, CBD is lipophilic meaning it is absorbed through fatty tissue. Because women tend to store more fat than men, they typically need a higher dose of CBD than men.

Furthermore, CBD affects the body hormonally, meaning men and women tend to react differently to it on a hormonal level. Hormonal imbalances can lead to slew of health problems including mood change, weight gain, and inflammation. CBD can help balance out hormones including the regulation of estrogen which is found in higher levels in women. You can learn more about how CBD impacts men vs. women here.