Boost Your Daily Routine: 4 CBD Products for Wellness

With CBD industry exploding in popularity, more and more people are looking for ways to incorporate it into their daily routines. From beauty products to nutraceuticals, there’s a wide variety of different CBD products for wellness available on the market.

CBD (cannabidiol) is a natural supplement extracted from the cannabis plant that helps you unwind. While there is little research to prove CBD products for wellness offer any benefits, the interaction of CBD with the human endocannabinoid system has be associated with helping to reduce inflammation, support happier mornings, and soothe sore joints and muscle. CBD is also a popular alternative to other ailment solutions because most products contain no traces of THC, thus eliminating psychoactive properties and the feeling of being “high.”

CBD products for wellness can be taken orally or applied topically, and is available in a variety of forms, such as tinctures, pre-rolls, gummies, and bath soaks. To help you make an informed decision on which CBD products for wellness align best with your lifestyle, we’ve reviewed a few CBD products that will help boost your daily routine and leave you feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the world!

1.) CBD Bath Soaks

Why CBD Bath Soaks hempzilla

Long day? We feel that. Our most trusted solution? A long bath infused with CBD Bath Soaks!

Baths are an easy way to incorporate wellness into your daily routine. They can help improve circulation and skin health while providing sensory stimulation, especially after a stressful work week. When it comes to the CBD Bath Soak, the warm water actually opens the pores to allow more CBD to be absorbed into the skin. On top of this, many CBD Bath Soaks are infused with essential oils, including eucalyptus, orange, and , which carry their own benefits for a well-rounded, relaxing CBD bath experience.

CBD has also been studied for its effects on the skin — particularly in relation to moisturizing and combatting acne. This is due to CBD’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that promote healthier skin cells.

2.) CBD Honey Sticks

cbd honey sticks

A healthy diet can help to keep your skin looking its best by fending off free radicals and providing essential nutrients for maintaining a youthful appearance. One of our favorite ways to do this is by brewing a cup of tea and adding in 1-2 CBD honey sticks! For some inspiration, here’s a tea recipe we’ve been loving lately:

This easy recipe will help jumpstart your day with some natural energy! Before taking a sip, try adding a bit of creamer or milk into your tea to help boost the effectiveness of the honey sticks. This is because fat-based foods like butter, creamers and milk are quickly processed by our bodies, so when we ingest such fat-based foods with CBD products for wellness, it helps absorb them more effectively!

You can also substitute the type of tea you are using for chamomile or sleepy-time to help you relax and unwind in the evening!

3.) CBD Tinctures

While many will take CBD tinctures straight from the dropper, they are also great for mixing in with your favorite water-based foods or drinks!

Whether it’s soups, pasta sauces, or salad dressings, we recommend using an unflavored tincture to avoiding altering the taste of the meal. You can also add CBD tinctures (unflavored or flavored!) to coffee and smoothies for an energizing morning boost or post-workout refuel. The great thing about using CBD products for wellness like tinctures is that they are effective, but don’t produce the downsides of caffeine, such as jitters or anxiety.

If you prefer getting your CBD tincture straight from the bottle, Hempzilla has a variety of potent options to choose from! Formulated exclusively with health and well-being in mind, our powerful CBD + CBG Wellness Tincture is infused with antioxidant-packed ginger and has a light and refreshing ginger-lemon flavor that is perfect for anytime of the day!

For all the ladies in the place…Hempzilla’s Citrus Vanilla CBD Flow Tincture is the perfect “that time of the month” pick-me-up! Made with evening primrose oil, which may help with PMS symptoms like bloating and cramps**, and  Lavender, Ginger, Lemon Balm, and Clary Sage essential oils, this formula is the ultimate PMS support tincture.

4.) CBD Topicals

hempzilla Joint and Muscle CBD line

We often forget that our bodies are not just made of bones, muscles, and organs. Our skin is the largest organ on our body which makes up over 15% of our total weight. Adding topical CBD products for wellness is a great, all-natural way to maintain your healthy glow!

CBD products for wellness have a lot of potential benefits when it comes to working on your skin from the inside-out. In addition to protecting against natural environmental damage and inflammation with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can also promote healthy cells by encouraging cell turnover while preventing collagen breakdown as well as excessive oil production.

When figuring out which CBD product for wellness is best suited for your skin, it’s important to evaluate your daily lifestyle and routine. If you’re someone who lives in the sun all year or loves spending time on the slopes in the winter months, try a CBD hand and body lotion! Perfect for any climate, a CBD lotion can be just what you need to soothe sun damaged skin or beat dry, cracked skin that has weathered colder elements. Chances are, it probably smells pretty amazing too!

CBD has also made a name for itself in the facial skincare realm. If you’re always on the go, battling with sensitive skin, or simply need a daily skincare regimen revamp, CBD-infused skincare products might be right for you! As previously mentioned, some research has been done in relation to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to reduce sebum production — the waxy, oily substance that, when overproduced, can trigger acne.

For those who love inked skin and keeping the appearance of tattoos bright and moisturized, check out Hempzilla’s CBD Fresh Ink Tattoo Cream. Along with the natural benefit of moisturizing fresh or aging tattoos, the cream is anti-inflammatory and anti-itch to help minimize any irritation caused by tattoos.

As the CBD industry continues to expand, you might find yourself turning to CBD products for wellness to enhance your daily routine. Just be sure to read up on the product ingredients and standard to ensure transparency and top-quality CBD!

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.